Marli's first Thanksgiving was a good one...a little non-traditional but lots of fun no less. Thanksgiving evening we met Mom, Dad, Drew, Ben and friends in Edmond to go ice skating. The ice rink ended up being closed, contrary to what their website said. We found a Japanese Steakhouse that was open for dinner (boy was Mom glad since Braum's was our only other choice!) and went bowling instead. Here's drew trying his hand at the hibatchi grill...he did pretty good with his egg toss.
Friday we had fixed all the Thanksgiving goodies with one exception, steak instead of turkey. If you ask me, that should be the way we do it every year! After some nap time...
it was time for some family football...
Let's just say none of us were as good as we hoped to be. Next year I think we should go for a leisurely family stroll instead of playing a competitive game of football!
Here's a couple more cute pictures of Marli from the weekend!